
Niizuma Wasner GmbH
Lörracherstr. 122
CH - 4125 Riehen

Tel.: +41 61 811 8903

Limited liability company, registered in the Central Company Index and in the Commercial Register Office of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

UID number: CHE-115.094.789

The shareholder and managing director entered in the commercial register is Dr. Marita Wasner.

Niizuma Wasner GmbH, represented by Dr Marita Wasner, is responsible for this website.

European Patent Attorneys (professional representatives before the European Patent Office) are registered with the European Patent Office and are members of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office ( They are subject to the professional regulations there (epi-information 2/2001,75) as well as the disciplinary regulations issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation. In Switzerland, the title of European Patent Attorney may be used by anyone who appears on the list of professional representatives maintained by the European Patent Office.

To use the title of Swiss Patent Attorney, patent attorneys must fulfil the requirements of the Swiss Patent Attorney Act (PAG) and be registered in the Swiss Patent Attorney Register.

To use the title of German Patent Attorney, patent attorneys must be admitted to the German Patent Bar. The German Chamber of Patent Attorneys maintains a list of all patent attorneys authorised to practise in Germany. German patent attorneys are subject to the regulations regarding the profession of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltsordnung, PAO) and the Professional Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys ( Mitt. 2014, 53; last amended by resolution of 20 November 2013, entered into force on 1 March 2014). They are also members of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Proprieté Industrielle and are subject to its professional regulations (

Contact addresses of the relevant professional organisations:

Tal 29
D-80331 München
Telefon: +49-89-242278-0
Telefax: +49-89-242278-24

epi - Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
Tal 29
D-80331 München
Telefon: +49-(0)89-201 7080
Telefax: +49-(0)89-202 1548

Niizuma Wasner GmbH maintains professional liability insurance with AXA Versicherungen AG (General-Guisan-Str. 40, P.O. Box 357, CH-8401 Winterthur). The geographical scope of the insurance covers activities worldwide (excluding the USA and Canada). Furthermore, Dr Marita Wasner maintains professional liability insurance with the Zurich Insurance plc branch office for Germany and thus fulfils the requirements of § 51 BRAO and § 45 PAO.