

Biozentrum of the University of Basel
Basement, lecture hall as signposted
Spitalstrasse 41
4056 Basel

開始時間 午後6時(スイス時間)(日本時間の翌日午前1時(夏時間)


Dr. Marita Wasner
e-mail: mail@niizumawasner.com
Niizuma Wasner GmbH | Lörracherstr. 122 | 4125 Riehen                                                     
Tel.: +41 61 811 8903

  18 September 2024

Brian Coggio
  Fish & Richardson, New York

Spotlight on Life Sciences:
U.S. Growing Interest and Scrutiny in the Life Sciences Space – the FTC, PTO and NIH

In September 2023, the FTC together with the FDA announced the policy statement “Concerning Brand Drug Manufacturers’ Improper Listing of Patents in the Orange Book”. Since then, the FTC is investigating improper listing of patents in the Orange Book and has taken action to ensure that certain patents are not listed and, if not properly listed, removed. The notice also threatens legal action against pharmaceutical companies for improper listing. Besides this, the USPTO has issued a notice ensuring that all statements made to the USPTO in prosecuting a patent are consistent with statements made to other government agencies such as the FDA, or EMA. This will clearly increase the burden on patentees in prosecuting pharmaceutical or any other patent when other agencies are involved. Any failure could result in dire consequences to the patent owner and the individual patent attorney involved. Moreover, the government has highlighted the NIH’s authority via so-called March-In Rights to allow competitors to manufacture patented products where the patentee prices are deemed excessive. All three “attack’s” on the U.S. life sciences industry will be discussed in the lecture. Finally, a short look will be taken to the effect of the Inflation Reduction Act on patent strategy and pricing in the pharmaceutical industry.


  21 May 2024

Nicholas Mitrokostas
  Partner at Allen & Overy, Boston

IP Considerations in view of recent Life Sciences Developments using AI and Digital Health

In his lecture, Nick will focus on recent developments relating to AI and patenting, including recent USPTO directives, and the implications for obtaining and enforcing Life Sciences patents that were developed using AI. Whether in a device or an app, the use of AI in digital health has grown rapidly in the last several years, and the legal issues surrounding the patentability and enforcement of intellectual property protecting digital health innovation are evolving and in flux. This session will cover recent U.S. court and USPTO developments concerning some of the key legal considerations in digital health such as patent-eligible subject matter, the enablement and written description requirements, and inventorship.


  24 January 2024

Peter R. Thomsen
  President of the epi

Current issues addressed by the Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO (epi)

The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) is the professional body representing all European Patent Attorneys.  The epi as an organization deals primarily with the development and implications of patent law.  Through its Committees, the epi is at the forefront of patent law developments and regularly serves public policy leaders by issuing legal opinions and highly specialized advice.  Besides this, the epi serves its members by providing them with advice and training and keeping them informed about latest developments.
In his function as president of the epi, Peter will give some insights in the work of the epi with a particular focus on hot topics the epi is currently working on, such as digitalization of the patent granting procedure, oral proceedings, patent quality, fee increases and reductions, and the future job profile of patent attorneys in the age of AI. Moreover, he will briefly summarize the new procedure for the EQE.